kocioł zgazowujący drewno drewko plus
Class 5, ecodesign boilers

DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner

12 - 24 kW
  • DrewKo Plus – a boiler adapted to the efficient combustion of wood pellets in accordance with the standard PN-EN 303-5+A1:2023-05
  • equipped with a self-cleaning burner with a rotating combustion chamber – Easy ROT.
  • A free-standing tank made of galvanized steel can be selected for the boiler. The tank can be located on the right or left side of the boiler, allowing for a longer period of operation of the device without adding fuel.
  • Boilers with dust ≤ 20 mg/m3
  • See our other boilers


Paliwo podstawowe:

Basic Information


DrewKo Plus is a wood pellet boiler that qualifies for funding from the “Clean Air” program due to reduced dust emissions (up to 20mg/m3). A wide range of power types, i.e. 12kW, 18kW and 24kW, ensures the possibility of installing the boiler in virtually every single-family home.

The construction of the boiler is based on the construction of lower combustion devices which are characterized by high efficiency and simple use – all inspections for cleaning the boiler are located at the front of the device. A large expansion chamber causes the gases to burn and thus high fuel combustion efficiency. Equipped with a rotating Easy ROT burner.

The boiler is designed for installation in an open and closed system. The warranty for the boiler exchanger can be extended to 60 months provided that the boiler return is secured with a temperature of at least 50*C – e.g. with a HYDRO 1 hydraulic set.

The size of the pellet container (not included) can be selected depending on how long the User wants to have maintenance-free operation. Pellet containers are available in capacities of 200 liters, 330 liters, 440 liters, 660 liters, 820 liters, 1200 liters and even 2100 liters. They can be placed on each side of the boiler, and the 2m long feeder itself can be shortened according to the needs of a given boiler room.


  • pellet

Price list

Check price list
Nominal power Size of the heated area Net price VAT Gross price
12 kW – DrewKo Plus up to-120 m²
up to-160 m²*
14.211,38 zł 3.268,62 zł 17.480,00 zł
18 kW – DrewKo Plus 120-180 m²
160-240 m²*
15.674,80 zł 3.605,20 zł 19.280,00 zł
24 kW – DrewKo Plus 180-240 m²
240-320 m²*
16.227,64 zł 3.732,36 zł 19.960,00 zł

* insulated building

Nominal power Net price VAT Gross price
200 l 1.609,76 zł 370,24 zł 1.980,00 zł
330 l 1.691,06 zł 388,94 zł 2.080,00 zł
440 l 1.878,05 zł 431,95 zł 2.310,00 zł
660 l 2.268,29 zł 521,71 zł 2.790,00 zł
820 l 2.626,02 zł 603,98 zł 3.230,00 zł
1200 l 3.211.38 zł 738,62 zł 3.950,00 zł
2100 l 4.959,35 zł 1.140,65 zł 6.100,00 zł

Technical parameters

DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner
Boiler type 12 18 24
Boiler power kW 12 18 24
Burner power range kW 3,6 – 12 5,5 – 18 7,2 – 24
Approximate area of
the heated building
do-120 *
do-160 **
Weight of boiler kg 375 405 443
Water capacity of the boiler l 73 81 90
energy class A+ A+ A+
Feeder capacity l Wielkość zasobnika wg zamówienia
Feeder capacity of nominal power l 90,8 91,0 91,1
Fuel compliant with the standard
PN-EN 303-5:2012
fuel Pellets 6-8 mm, granulate fraction, calorific value > 17 MJ/kg.
Supply water temperature min/max. ° C 55/85
Max. allowable working pressure bar 2,0
Required chimney draft mbar ~0,20
Supply/return diameter cal 1,5″
Diameter of drain nozzle cal 3/4″
Dimensions of the flue section ø 160
Power consumption – start W 253 279,5 306
Power consumption – min. wrok W 27,0 28,5 29,9
Power consumption – max wrok W 39,0 47,5 56,0
Igniter power W 300

* for older buildings with inferior thermal insulation 100W/m2
** for modern buildings with better insulation of 75W/m2
(the values listed in the table are approximate and do not take into account the specific features of the facility)



DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner

DREWKO 20KW 5 cz bi


DrewKo Plus j.m. 12 kW 18 kW 24 kW
A mm 577 577 642
B mm 455 455 520
C mm 1162 1240 1240
D mm 1060 1060 1060
E mm 790 790 790
F mm 1100 1194 1194
H mm 1206 1340 1340
a ø 160 160 160
b ¾” ¾” ¾”
c 1,5″ 1,5″ 1,5″
d ½” ½” ½”


DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner

1. Closed system boiler with 4-way mixing valve
DrewKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym z zaworem mieszajacym 4 drogowym 2048x1114 1

2. Open system boiler with 4-way mixing valve
DrewKo instalacja w ukladzie otwartym z zaworem mieszajacym 4 drogowym 2048x1227 1

3. Closed system boiler with temperature valve ATV 55*
DrewKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym z zaworem temperaturowym 2048x1119 1

4. Open system boiler with temperature valve ATV 55*
DrewKo instalacja w ukladzie otwartym z zaworem temperaturowym 2048x1258 1

5. Closed-circuit boiler with hydraulic clutch
DrewKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym ze sprzeglem hydraulicznym 2048x982 1

6. Closed-circuit boiler with heat buffer
DrewKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym z buforem ciepla 2048x989 1

7. Open system boiler with buffer
schemat DrewKo uklad otwarty z buforem


DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner

DrewKo Plus 12
DrewKo Plus 18
DrewKo Plus 24


DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner

Jak kupić

DrewKo Plus Easy ROT pellet burner

Dawid Wojciechowski

Polska północno-zachodnia

Tel: +48 604 496 706
Email: d.wojciechowski@kotlospaw.pl

Województwa: dolnośląskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, lubuskie, pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie,wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie

Sergiusz Dzieniszewski

Polska południowo-wschodnia

Tel: +48 660 930 794
Email: s.dzieniszewski@kotlospaw.pl

Województwa: lubelskie, łódzkie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, opolskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, śląskie, świętokrzyskie