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Class 5, ecodesign boilers
eco-pea coal
boilers with manual loading
dual fuel boiler
Boilers for export
Pellet burners
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Boiler with a controller extended with DHW modules. Suitable for burning many types of solid fuels, such as: fine coal, coal, wood, pellets, fuel mixtures and biomass components.
A controller with a liquid crystal display built into the boiler insulation enables the control of the boiler air blower, the circulating pump in the central heating system and the programming of temperatures on the domestic hot water tank.
* insulated building
Dawid Wojciechowski
Polska północno-zachodnia
Tel: +48 604 496 706 Email:
Województwa: dolnośląskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, lubuskie, pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie,wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie
Sergiusz Dzieniszewski
Polska południowo-wschodnia
Tel: +48 660 930 794 Email:
Województwa: lubelskie, łódzkie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, opolskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, śląskie, świętokrzyskie
Call +48 600 494 315 or email us to get advise from our consultants.