Class 5, ecodesign boilers

SlimKo Plus boiler

12-30 kW
  • SlimKo Plus one of the smallest pellet boilers on the market, with a large fuel tank,
  • SlimKo Plus is equipped with a high-quality Revo PellasX pellet burner with a reinforced steel igniter, a rotating combustion chamber made of InCrox and a five-year warranty on the burner furnace,
  • The boiler operation is controlled by the Plum 860P3-PE controller which supports up to 5 circulation pumps, a mixing valve actuator and additional automation,
  • SlimKo Plus consists of three independently disassembled elements: a charging hopper, a pellet burner and a boiler exchanger. Thanks to this, bringing the boiler into the boiler room is not a problem,
  • Boilers with a higher standard – dust below 20 mg / m3 = higher subsidy!
Paliwo podstawowe:

Basic Information


New, improved product!

We are sure that the SlimKo Plus boiler will become equally popular and will win the hearts of our customers. New product – available in powers of 12, 16, 20, 25, 30 [kW]. The source of heat that is present in it is the PELLASX burner enjoying great popularity and recognition in Poland and in the world – the REVO model.



Advantages of the SlimKo Plus boiler with the Revo PellasX burner:

  • The furnace is made of high-alloy chrome-plated cast steel – characterized by a very long service life even when using fuel outside the classification,
  • Rotary furnace chamber with rotary cleaning, thanks to which there are no sinters on the burner,
  • Steel – ceramic lighter with a thread, with a faster ignition time and longer life,
  • Fan rotation sensor, the so-called HallSensor, stabilizing fan operation,
  • Hybrid drive of the fan and internal feeder, one common motor for both components
  • Built-in flap in the burner to prevent backfire and melting of the spiro pipe,
  • The burner housing is made of ABS resistant to mechanical damage,
  • Faster burner service and better access to actuators,
  • Innovative air supply

New version of the controller – PLUM 860P3-PE

  • Larger and clearer display
  • Improved algorithm of operation and power modulation – stable operation of the boiler at 2.1kW

A new type of temperature sensors – NTC10K

  • Greater accuracy of measurement,
  • Less interference when extending cables,
  • Increased mechanical resistance,

New type of external tray

  • Reduced power consumption – only a dozen Watt,
  • Feeder torsion spring – no welded elements,
  • More regular fuel doses


SlimKo Plus – maintenance-free pellet boiler

Central heating furnaces produced in the power range of 12-30 kW with an automatic feeder are based on a tubular exchanger. The boilers were equipped with a Revo pellet burner from the renowned PellasX brand, with an automatic igniter and a rotary self-cleaning chamber system. Thanks to the well-thought-out design, the operation of the pellet boiler is reduced only to periodic refilling of the container and removing the ash from the ash pan drawer. The furnace is designed to work in a multi-day cycle. The small size makes the SlimKo Plus boiler fit into any boiler room. The design of the furnace is based on three integrated modules:

  • Revo pellet burner,
  • tubular heat exchanger,
  • a container in the form of a pellet basket placed on top of the boiler,
  • possibility of using an extension for the charging hopper.

The modern design of the furnace and the fully automated control of the solid fuel boiler make SlimKo Plus stand out from the competition of pellet boilers with functionality, compact character and completely maintenance-free operation, while ensuring all the parameters required for the 5th class and Eco Design, thanks to which the customer can receive a higher subsidy!



  • Pellet

Price list

Check price list
Nominal power The size of the heated area Price netto VAT Price brutto
SlimKo Plus 12 kW 60-110 m²
80-150 m²*
14.504,07 zł 3.335,93 zł 17.840,00 zł
SlimKo Plus 16 kW 110-160 m²
150-200 m²*
14.837,39 zł 3.412,61 zł 18.250,00 zł
SlimKo Plus 20 kW 160-200 m²
200-260 m²*
15.853,66 zł 3.646,34 zł 19.500,00 zł
SlimKo Plus 25 kW 200-240 m²
260-320 m²*
16.536,58 zł 3.803,42 zł 20.340,00 zł
SlimKo Plus 30 kW 240-300 m²
320-400 m²*
18.560,98 zł 4.269,02 zł 22.830,00 zł

* insulated building

Technical parameters

SlimKo Plus boiler
Technical parameters of the SlimKo Plus 12-30 kW boiler
Boiler type kW 12 16 20 25 30
Boiler power kW 12 16 20 25 30
Burner power range kW 3,6-12 4,8-16 6-20 7,2-25 9-30
Feeder capacity kg 103 103 128 128 141
Weight of the set without water kg 220 225 270 275 340
Approximate area of
the heated building *
m2 40-110 110-160 160-200 200-240 240-300
Approximate area of
the heated building **
m2 80-150 150-200 200-260 260-320 320-400
Water capacity of the boiler l 43 43 67 67 80
Fuel Pellet 6 mm, granulate fraction, calorific value > 17 MJ/kg.
Fuel grade C1
Maximum water temperature °C 85
Minimum water temperaturewody °C 50/60
Length of burning dni 2-5
Dimensions of the flue section ϕ 160
Power consumption – work min.(230V/50Hz) W 60 57,6 57,9
Power consumption – work max. (230V/50Hz) W 78,1 83,6 77,6 82,8 93
Power consumption – start (230V/50Hz) W 367
Igniter power W 300
Connection ports 4 x 1” GW (2 x supply, 2 x return)

* for older buildings with inferior thermal insulation 100W/m2
** for modern buildings with better insulation of 75W/m2
(the values listed in the table are approximate and do not take into account the specific features of the facility)



SlimKo Plus boiler
slimkoplus przekroje wymiar z otwartymi drzwiami
slimKo j.m 12 kW 16 kW 20 kW 25 kW 30 kW
A mm 1315 1315 1420 1420 1505
B mm 550 550 655 655 740
C mm 765 765 765 765 765
D mm 560 560 685 685 754
E mm 785 785 785 785 785
F mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
G mm 440 440 508 508 590
H mm 1785 1785 1890 1890 1975
I mm 930 930 1010 1010 1090
a ø 1″ 1″ 1″ 1″ 1″
b ø 160 160 160 160 160


SlimKo Plus boiler

ecoMAX 860P

Wyswietlacz MK2 bez tla

ecoMAX 860P3-PE is the latest configuration of the PLUM controller. It is characterized by a clear, easy-to-use panel with a large display, user-friendly menu, and no need to set operating parameters of the installation. The controller consists of two parts: the module and the panel. Both devices are made of high quality, which means failure-free controller for many years.

The driver supports:

  • boiler pump, mixer pump, DHW pump, circulation pump and a shunt pump
  • mixing valve actuator
  • dedicated and binary room regulators
  • work with the heat buffer
  • burner operation with sensors
  • an attractive display on which information is displayed in the form of
  • legible icons
  • comfortable on-line control of the boiler operation via the Internet

Additional modules enable the expansion of heating systems with additional circuits (module B – another two circuits; module C – another two circuits). Moreover, it is possible to cooperate with the Lambda probe module (ecoLAMBDA). The controller uses an intelligent menu system. The system makes unconnected elements inactive (invisible). This solution enables easy and comfortable operation.


Additional equipment

Wired touch room regulator ecoSTER Touch

sterownik s control touch 2ecoSTER TOUCH ensures thermal comfort in rooms thanks to digital communication only with ecoMAX series regulators. The device has a modern design and a large, readable, graphic touch display with a color menu. ecoSTER TOUCH means for the user:

  • programmable room thermostat function
  • simple and effective way to control the temperature in up to 3 rooms
  • setting a schedule of day and night temperatures
  • regulation and preview of all boiler functions
  • remote view of the boiler control panel screen or other room panels
  • selection of different operating modes
  • providing information about alarms
  • providing information about the fuel level in the container
  • the function of simultaneous updating of ecoSTER software, the panel and the controller module via a microSD card

Wireless two-way room thermostat eSTER x40eSTER x40 w perspektywie pellasx 1

eSTER_x40 is a battery-operated, wireless room thermostat. By connecting with the S.Control controller, it allows you to control the parameters and operating modes of the controller, maintaining the set room temperature.


  • Simple pairing with other devices
  • Possibility to place several thermostats in one building, integrated with one regulator
  • Long thermostat operation time with the use of a battery optimization system
  • Durable capacitive buttons
  • High operational stability thanks to constant monitoring of the connection quality – work on many channels Savings in fuel consumption LBS system – minimizes interference with other devices Encrypted transmission – data security Adaptive temperature control of the heating circuits Battery discharge indicator Ease of setup Parental lock

Wireless room panel with a thermostat function – eSTER x80ESTER X80

The eSTER_x80 Room Control RADIO TOUCH room panel is a wireless remote control panel for the burner with the function of an electric room thermostat. One of its greatest benefits is the convenient operation of the boiler functions from the living room level.


  • use for PLUM regulators from the ecoMAX, ecoVENT, ecoTRONIC series with an external ISM_xSMART module connected
  • regulation of the set room temperature
  • work in the following modes: Economy, Comfort, Leaving the house, Airing, Party, Vacation, Anti-freeze, Hotel mode and work with a time schedule
  • wired or wireless connection to the controller
  • can be used in any room without the use of additional wires mounted in the walls any transfer of the thermostat to other rooms,
  • depending on the user’s needs, to regulate the set temperature
  • modern design
  • convenient way of operation through the use of a touch panel and a rotating, color graphic menu
  • firmware update via a microSDHC card and an optional microUSB OTG slot installed in the housing for cooperation with external memory.

Module for ecoLAMBDA pellet regulators

ecoLAMBDA plum modulecoLAMBDA is a modern electronic device designed to measure and regulate the oxygen content in the exhaust gas. The ecoLAMBDA module is equipped with a new generation communication interface through which the measurement results from the module are sent to the regulator. The effect of this is to ensure optimization of the combustion process.

  • precise measurement of the oxygen content in the exhaust gas
  • optimization of the combustion process
  • reduction of carbon monoxide emissions




B / C module expanding with additional heating circuits

modul c 1 e1559831426597

  • Support for two additional heating circuits equipped with mixing valves;
  • Configurable output to support DHW circulation or reserve boiler or alarm signaling;
  • Possibility to connect an additional room thermostat;
  • Possibility to connect an additional feeder (e.g. from a silo to a tank).


SlimKo Plus boiler


SlimKo Plus boiler

1. Boiler in a closed system with a 4-way mixing valve
SlimKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym z zaworem mieszajacym 4 drogowym
2. Boiler in an open system with a 4-way mixing valve
SlimKo instalacja w ukladzie otwartym z zaworem mieszajacym 4 drogowym
3. Boiler in a closed system with a temperature valve ATV 55 *
SlimKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym z zaworem temperaturowym
4. Boiler in an open system with a temperature valve ATV 55 *
SlimKo instalacja w ukladzie otwartym z zaworem temperaturowym
5. Boiler in a closed system with a heat buffer
SlimKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym z buforem ciepla
6. Boiler in a closed system with a hydraulic coupler
SlimKo instalacja w ukladzie zamknietym ze sprzeglem hydraulicznym
7. Boiler in an open system with a heat buffer
schemat SlimKo uklad otwarty z buforem

Recommended settings

SlimKo Plus boiler

wersja oprogramowania 5 lub wyższa

SlimKo plus 12 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 16 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 20 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 25 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 30 kW – zalecane nastawy


starsza wersja oprogramowania

SlimKo plus 12 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 16 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 20 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 25 kW – zalecane nastawy

SlimKo plus 30 kW – zalecane nastawy

Test podajnika PELLASX



SlimKo Plus boiler

Jak kupić

SlimKo Plus boiler

Dawid Wojciechowski

Polska północno-zachodnia

Tel: +48 604 496 706

Województwa: dolnośląskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, lubuskie, pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie,wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie

Sergiusz Dzieniszewski

Polska południowo-wschodnia

Tel: +48 660 930 794

Województwa: lubelskie, łódzkie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, opolskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, śląskie, świętokrzyskie